Tuesday, January 17, 2006

OK, I'm Back
Life has been crazy busy and excuse, excuse, excuse .... so that is why I have not blogged in forever. The real truth is that may of my favorite blogging buddies have been quite inactive as well (you know who you are), so the incentive hasn't been there to go on and check them out. So, I'm back.
Here is a very simple example of the "abundant life". Roxana, Lauren and I went to RI to spend a few days with Dennae before she headed out to Africa for five months. We were just hanging out at Chris and Brent's home late one night (after mid-night) and having fun remembering old times and fun we've had as a family, when Roxana tried to remember how to do the Three Stoges Alphabet. She got all mixed up as usual with it, so I proceeded to try to teach the family how to do it.

Roxana tried really hard, but it was a real challenge!

I took my responsibilities as a teacher very seriously.

Dennae really applied herself to getting it just right!

And Lauren ... actually gets it!!!

The point of all of this is that we had an awesome time just being together. Good clean fun, with the people we love is a big part of the "life and life more abundantly" John 10:10