Saturday, November 17, 2007

Back to India!

For those of you who do not know, I am headed back to India on Monday, November 26th. Phil Duncan and I will join my friend and ministry partner, Sindhu Pani in Calcutta. We will travel from there to Agatalla, Tripura, which is about a 90 minute flight east from Calcutta. The plan is to do several village camps throughout that region. These will be opportunities to teach and train the people in the villages. They will bring several villages at a time together each day. We will travel to a different area each day. We will, most likely, do evangelistic meetings in the evenings. This will be a great opportunity for these precious baby Christians to invite their neighbors to hear the Gospel, right there in an neighboring village.
After a few days in Agatalla, we will fly back to Calcutta and board a train for a 12+ hour ride to the Orissa region. There we will conduct a three day leadership training conference. We expect 200 to 300 local pastor and leaders to join us for the conference. The core teaching revolves around evangelism, discipleship, and leadership. We are excited that we will also have the opportunity to share about a Biblical view of the sanctity of human life.

Many of these leaders are fairly recent converts. They are full of enthusiasm and desire, but sorely lack training and resources. They embrace us as dear Christian brothers and eagerly await the training we bring.

One thing we have a large need for is prayer partners. I would very much like to know that we have several people who are committed to pray for at least 5 minutes each day while we are gone. If you are willing to be a prayer partner for those 14 days, please respond and let me know. I will share specific needs with you and I will try to keep you posted every few days (whenever I can find an internet café) throughout the trip.

A secondary need is for financial partners. It cost about $20 for us to put up and feed each pastor for three days. We are taking care of all of our own travel and personal expenses and the Lord has blessed us with quite a bit for the conference as well. However, Sindhu can only invite as many as we can provide for. So, if you feel lead to help by supporting a few pastors or a whole bunch, that would be welcome. Please let me know what your intensions are, so I can pass the info on to Sindhu. You can send a check to me, or give it to me made out to Global Training Network. That is the charitable organization we are working with. GTN will send you a receipt.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I was definitely praying for you! I am so glad that you were able to have this experience! You are amazing and I'm glad I have you to look up to. :) You need to make a post about your trip, now that you're back. I love you!